Anyone interested in becoming a governor at Matravers will be issued a copy of our Guide to the Perplexed, which serves as a introduction to the work of the Board of Governors. Perplexed about the role of governors in the school? Read on.
become governors for a number of reasons, but the common factor is a desire to make
a difference in their local school. However, attendance at the first governors’
meeting plunges new recruits into a strange new world of educational jargon,
policies for this, that and the other, detailed performance data reports, and
so on. It can sometimes take a little while for new governors to begin to see
the wood from the tress. At least that was my experience. Hence this ‘guide for
the perplexed’. It should be read in conjunction with the ‘Role Description –
Matravers School Governor’ and other documents referred to below.
1. Purpose
Board of Governors takes responsibility for the conduct of the school. It
promotes high standards of educational achievement in order to ensure that
every student exceeds their potential. Our ambition is for Matravers School
to become a world class education facility at the heart of the Westbury area
community for students aged 11-18. In addition the board has legal ownership of
the school site (land and buildings) and acts as the employer of school staff.
2. Strategic Leadership and
The Core Functions of Governance are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic
- Holding the headteacher to account for the
educational performance of the school and its pupils
- Overseeing the financial performance of the
school and making sure its money is well spent.
main task is to provide the school with strategic leadership and
accountability. If the school were a vehicle, the role of governors would be to
punch the coordinates into the educational ‘SatNav’, setting direction travel. That
done, the Headteacher and Senior Leaders collectively get behind the wheel, put
their foot on the gas and drive the school to the required destination. Along
the way Governors hold leaders to account to ensure that the school isn’t going
off track.
set the vision and underpinning values for the school, agree the ‘Route Map’
strategy for making our vision a reality, and measure progress by setting Key
Performance Indicators.
Vision: For Matravers
School to be a
world-class centre for teaching and learning at the heart of the Westbury
community. Achieving this involves ensuring that every Matravers student
exceeds their expected potential in all aspects of their education.
Values: Our core values are Resilience, Creativity, Ambition,
Happiness, Success and Dynamism.
Key Performance indicators: Governors set targets for school improvement in areas
such as leadership and management, pupil achievement and attainment, the
quality of teaching, student behaviour and attendance, and the best use of
financial resources. See the Key
Performance Indicators, Goals and Action
Plan documents for this year’s targets.
Board endeavours to make an objective analysis of school performance in order to
recognise and support strengths, and identify and challenge weaknesses. To
that end governors scrutinise both external performance data such as RAISEonline,
FFT Governor Dashboard and Ofsted Data Dashboard, and the school’s internal
self-evaluation reports. Governors also visit the school in order to gain first
hand experience of what is happening on the ground.
3. Structure
Full Governing Board meets once a term, as do most of the committees. The
Steering Group is responsible for leadership and management, and strategic
Full Governing Board
Standards - Every Child Matters - Resources
Steering Group
governors will be asked to join a committee on the basis of their skill set. See
the Scheme of Delegation for a full breakdown
of the responsibilities of the different elements of the Governing Board. (Our Annual Report sets out the remit of the Full Governing Board and its Committees as of 2014/15.
4. Scrutiny, support & challenge
have access to a wide range of performance data. Some is produced externally,
like RAISEonline. This is usually ‘historic’ data, based on the previous year’s
exam results. We also have access to internally produced contemporary data that
charts the progress of students during the course of the academic year. Reports
should be received with three questions in mind: What? So what? Now what?
For example. The
GCSE results for subject ‘x’ are below what is expected. The data reveals that
they fall short of internally set predicted grades and the national average for
that subject. That is the ‘What?’
Then governors will begin to ask, ‘So what?’ The obvious point is
that students did not achieve as well as expected in subject ‘x’. That may
narrow their options when it comes to future study, or work. It will also
impact on how the school is measured on the national Performance Tables.
Governors will therefore ask questions to try and get to the bottom of why the
results were not as good as expected.
Was the issue with Higher, Middle, or Lower ability students, or with
disadvantaged students in receipt of Pupil Premium funds as against those who
are not? That is something of what can be gathered from interrogating the data
and asking, ‘So what?’
But we can’t leave it there. Next, governors must ask, ‘Now what?’
When that happens scrutiny becomes challenge. Governors want to know what measures
will be taken to ensure better exam results in subject ‘x’ next time around and
for that reason may ask the subject leader to report to the Standards
But it’s not all ‘challenge’. In many subjects Matravers students
perform above the national average and when that happens, governors will
express support and celebrate success.
5. The Strategic/Operational divide
Boards need to ensure that they do not cross the Strategic/Operational divide. When
that happens rather than setting the overall direction of the school and making
sure that it is getting there, the Governing Board begins to meddle with its
everyday running.
dividing line is not always easy to discern, but as a rule of thumb, concerns
about individual students or members of staff are operational matters. Concerns
about groups of students or teachers are of strategic importance. For example,
if one of the Special Interest Groups (SPIGs – boys, girls, Pupil Premium etc)
is falling behind, governors will challenge Senior Leaders to address the
matter. If the quality of teaching in a particular subject area is below that
is expected, once more governors will raise a challenge.
perceptions of Parent Governors, or governors who are parents are bound to be
shaped in part by their children’s experiences of the school. Their perspective
is a reminder that what governors decide has an impact on real flesh and blood
children, not simply statistics on a page. But if governors who are parents have
a concern about how their child is getting on at school, strictly speaking that
is an operational matter and should be dealt with as a parent. The problem should
be taken up with relevant person in the school; a teacher, tutor, head of
subject, or Senior Leader as appropriate. Meetings of the Governing Board are
not an extension of the school’s Complaints Policy by other means. After all, our
task is to ensure that every student
fulfils their educational potential, not just our own children.
the case of governors who are parents, other mums or dads may sometimes ask for
your help. Advise any concerned parent to speak to the appropriate person in
the school. Do not offer to take up the cudgels yourself. Governors only come
into play when all other means of redress have been exhausted. Even then, if
the child in question is known to you, that would constitute a conflict of
interest on your part. In that case you would be excluded from any formal
process that involves the Governing Board.
Governing Boards routinely transgress the Strategic/Operational divide they
lose their focus and begin to major on minors.
6. Training
new governors are strongly encouraged to attend the New Governors’ Course
provided by Governor Services. In addition, governors will want to attend
further training sessions to sharpen their expertise in areas of special
interest. In-house training is provided to help governors get to grips with
data reports such as the FFT Governor Dashboard and RAISEonline
7. Interviews & Panels
Governing Board is the de facto
employer of school staff. Governors participate in job interviews for senior management posts. In matters such as staff redundancy, discipline or
capability; a panel of three non-staff governors will be convened. The panel
will consider evidence presented by senior management before making a decision
with the support of a HR advisor provided by the Local Authority.
8. Communications
Governors should not comment on
any issues concerning the school, whether in a personal capacity or in
connection with their school links via the media or any type of social network.
The Headteacher and/or Chair of Governors alone are authorised to communicate
with the media on behalf of the school. Others may do so only with express
permission from either Head or Chair and with the contents of any communications
having been duly authorised.
communication intended for the attention of whole Governing Board should be
sent to the Clerk and will only be forwarded to colleagues with the
authorisation of the Chair of Governors.
9. Safeguarding
We take the safety and welfare of our students extremely
seriously. By law all new governors must
apply for a DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check within 21 days of
their being appointed to the board. Only once a DBS certificate has been
produced will governors be issued with a personalised lanyard for the purpose
of visiting the school. Until then they will be treated as visitors and will
need to be accompanied at all times. Whenever visiting the school governors
must sign in and out at Main Reception. All new governors will be trained in
the school’s safeguarding procedures as soon as possible on their joining the
10. Contact
(Clerk): @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(Chair): @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
11. Confidentiality
All governor business is to
be regarded as confidential.
* If this guide is of any use to colleagues from other GBs it may be 'borrowed' and adapted to suit with appropriate acknowledgements.